Born Late 58

By Born_Late_58

Our Mulberry

A glorious day of weather - especially after the mixed bag this week.
After a morning swim, it was up to the loft to start installing a bit more shelving.  Rather than chuck stuff out, a lot of it migrates up there.  Given my desire to install more shelving, I think I must have a storage fetish. (Is that a thing?)
Afterwards, went for a walk in the local nature reserve and visited our mulberry.  We have rather neglected visiting it this year.
We donated the tree to the reserve orchard a few years ago after we reduced the number of mulberries in our garden from two to one.  The mulberries in our garden were grown by me from seed and spent many years on the balcony of my flat, living in black buckets.
The mulberry in the reserve orchard is now taller than I am but doesn't seem to grow as quickly as the one in our garden, which needs pollarding every winter.
Some of the other trees in the orchard have labelling telling any visitor what they are.  I must make a label for our mulberry.

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