
By suehutton

Lone Protest

After the market and toasted egg and bacon sarnie at Finkins, we drove into Loughborough to fetch Basil's meds from the vet. Basil has lost 300g since the last weigh-in so I'm exhorting Len to feed him more kibble. We drove back on a route that would enable me to show Len where Trinity Methodist Church is, where Charnwood Voices will be singing their concert tomorrow night.

En route, we had to pass the MP's constituency office where a lone protester was holding up a placard announcing Blood on Your Hands. So now we know how our MP would vote on a motion in Parliament to halt the violence in Gaza.

Sorry it's such a poor photo but the camera was trapped behind my seat belt and the view out of the car window wasn't great, but I think you can see just enough.

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