Sun today..floods tomorrow?

Lovely to wake up to bright sun and blue skies today. I took this photo after a spinning class at my gym. In the distance you can see the river and the weir at Teddington Lock where the water is still coming downstream very fast. It often comes into the gardens outside the gym building hence the signs. The weather forecast is for heavy rain tomorrow so the group bike ride that I was going on is cancelled.

As it was sunny I did some clearing of leaves and old plants in the garden and planted the last of my bulbs. Some hyacinths and paper whites in pots for indoors.

I also helped at gardening club at grandsons school. They were filling raised beds with rotted wood chips/compost ready for planting. The school wheelbarrow was very difficult to handle as it had a flat tyre! They also put more bits of sticks they found in the grounds into the Bug hotel.

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