
By LifeLines

After Dark

Walking the streets after dark. It’s an altogether different experience to being in these places during the day.

Buildings and streets assume different proportions and personalities. Some which during the day are lively and friendly, are dark and slightly eerie. Others come to life with bright lights and the chatter of people. The mix of people on the streets changes too - people scurrying to the shop for dinner items, others off to exercise classes or to meet friends for a drink in the pub.

Its one of the things I appreciate about my little walks around the village each day. I’d miss this world of experience if I stayed inside.

My blip today is of the red brick building which was formerly one of the village’s five pubs - The George and Dragon. It is now our local doctors’ surgery.

Today I’m grateful for:
- A supportive conversation with a colleague.
- The bright afternoon sunshine after a morning of torrential rain.
- Andy’s suggestions about local nature-based volunteering opportunities which might be of interest.

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