Every Picture Tells .....


Storm Debi


A wild morning with +50 mph winds but very little rain. I went out in my dressing gown to take down a the two hanging baskets on the balcony but waited until I was showered and dressed before going down to remove the two at the sides of the garage door. I was too late as one of them had already been brought crashing down by the strong gusts.

I also took the opportunity to realign two of the bolts on the garden gates as one of them was flapping in the wind. Each gate now has two working bolts.

This afternoon I refitted the hanging basket bracket and also fitted four solar powered wall lights to illuminate the steps to the front door.

There is still a show of colour in the garden and several of the rose bushes are still in bloom.

My knee is still painful so it's been a bit of a rest day today. Only 3,900 steps.

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