Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

A heron's eye

I've always wanted to post a shot like this, though convention won't like it.  I find their eyes fascinating, but they're a small part of a heron's head because even in close-up you have to leave room for all that beak.  So I guess not all of you will care for this and I've put a more conventional shot in Extras.  What I'd really like to know is more about exactly how good their sight is.  Better than ours for sure.

Unfortunately I have found nothing about the sight of grey herons, but I enjoyed a description of it's near relative, the blue heron, having eyesight 'about three times more detailed than ours, and its binocular vision gives it very good depth perception. It also has a built in “zoom lens” – allowing the bird to switch instantaneously between telescopic and macro vision (probably as good or better than our fanciest modern camera lenses)'.

So there we are.  I was in the reserve this morning and bumped into a birding buddy.  Just as I was leaving I said to her, 'I haven't seen anything of the heron for ages, have you?'  She hadn't either, but as I was crossing the grass suddenly I saw this one in the small waterway that divides the park.  Cue a private photo session.

Hope your day's been a good one.  Well, what interesting times in the UK, eh?  I've been gripped by the news channels this afternoon..


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