floral stemware...

...with colorful flare

to drink from - to have water flow through - beckon those flying insects to buzz around... whatever the case may be -

i was struck by the intricate detailing of fine lines - along with the color combination - making it appear very modern, yet warm and welcoming... while i was pottering about my little garden - i'm thrilled to report that i saw my 1st visitor (at least in my presence) - a bee, humming around the blossoms - exactly what i was hoping would happen (though he didn't stay long enough for me to snap a shot) - i'm thinking this is a good sign - that more will be attracted by the colors or scents which are there now - "come along little ladybugs, butterflies and bees" is going to be my mantra as i water and prune henceforth - and i'll be having many...


happy day.....

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