A Winter's Morn on Wentworth
Well we are very definitely into winter now - here in Blackheath. The liquid amber trees which line so many of our streets and avenues are quite bare now. The last of the fallen leaves are either being swept up into compost heaps or else have blown away ... somewhere. The severe westerly winds have begun to cut through our flesh up on Govett's Corner. Despite the crisp tasty colour of the morning, this image seemed to need a few condiments to wake the flavour up a bit.
A dab of Nik's "Glamour Glow" might help. Mmmm. What about a three degree tilt? Mmmmm. Anyway this is what I finished up with .... oh well, there is always tomorrow.
I probably should have taken the OMD to the evening fund raiser and got a blip there. Maybe then I could have retaliated when Trish nailed me with HER blip. I was actually beaten quite severely around the head and shoulders until I agreed to provide a link (grumble) to Trisharooni.
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