Early morning, late afternoon

Spurred on by the thought of hot water and central heating later in the day I got moving early and was in Pollok Park before the mist disappeared. It was stunningly beautiful, and I spotted a little grebe ducking and diving on the White Cart, not seen one here before.

A visit to R, a trip to Silverburn for a few bits and pieces and then back home to receive the plumber who arrived promptly. I feel I have seen rather a lot of him in the past few months. He has magicked a temporary fix and ordered a new something or other plate which in addition to the poorly plumbed dishwasher is inhibiting the gas flow into the boiler.

While this was happening some unexpected flowers arrived from son number 2 and family. Unfortunately, I’m going away tomorrow for almost a fortnight, so I had to pass them on. I think I’ll not mention my imminent travel plans to them. J was very grateful and sent me a photo of them very skilfully displayed.

Out for a run to celebrate being able to have a shower at home, I’ve been using the gym. For once it felt light and easy, I followed the RunTalkRun single loop route. And on my way home beside the river I spotted the two juvenile otters cavorting near the far bank. A pretty good day one way and another, a little grebe at sunrise and otters at sunset.

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