Idiopathic boiler issues

The pesky boiler started to play up at the beginning of the week and dug it’s heels in yesterday. On the positive side the room temperature is 19, outside it was 4 earlier on. And the plumber is coming tomorrow afternoon, again. He’s going to do some “rejigging” of the pipes linked to the condenser pipe.

Apart from early morning yoga I spent most of the day waiting around for the plumber to call back which he eventually did, after dusk.

At the risk of further reducing the indoor temperature I spent a bit of time on the balcony looking for the woodpecker, easier now many more leaves have fallen.

I am at a loss as to how you can be so profligate to ratchet up a roaming bill of almost £11k when most hotels have WiFi. Maybe there was a weak signal near the swimming pool.

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