For the family

By RonaMac

Man at work

Cancelling my trip to London today meant that I was free to house and animal sit for R & S whilst they had new doors fitted.
The chap did day one on Tuesday whilst R was at home, but was unwell yesterday for day two. R is working away for the rest of the week, so I stepped into the breach.

I took loads of things to do, crochet, knitting, embroidery, my laptop, my Christmas card list ……what was I thinking about!!! But did very little. I had a couple of naps, as it was an early start, 8am and continued until 3pm. 

I got distracted when I found Shetland on iPlayer. We watched episode 2 of the latest series on TV last night, having missed episode 1 last week. Well I watched 1 & 2 today, it makes more sense now, but I do miss Jimmy Perez, I keep expecting him to appear.

The finished job is great. New doors throughout the house, fitted very precisely. I was intrigued to see the little pump up sachet which goes under the door to lift it up to the correct height for fitting. 

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