Keep The Home Fires Burning

Gas fire finally being looked at after missing out on a service last year. As it happens, the plumber reckoned it didn’t hurt missing the service because we’d barely used it last winter due to the cost of energy at that time. Rather than turn the fire (or central heating) on we’d relied on blankets and hot water bottles to keep warm. That might have been a false economy, as we ended up over £700 in credit with EDF by the end of the winter!
Monthly energy costs are at a much more reasonable level this year, so the newly serviced fire might see a bit more action this winter. I still like the blanket/hot water bottle combination though!
Mrs C feeling considerably better today, so we were able to go shopping to restock the very empty fridge. It was, of course, Sods Law that the plumber called on the off chance we were in, whilst we were in Sainsbury’s, but a quick phone call resulted in a promise to call back later in the afternoon - which he duly did.
No chance of testing the efficiency of the fire tonight though, as we’re both out for the evening. I’m going to see one of my favourite musicals - Little Shop of Horrors - in Lancaster, along with several others who were in Blackadder with me, as the chap who played Percy is in the chorus. Excellent reviews after the first couple of nights, so really looking forward to it.

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