
By LadyFindhorn

Men at Work

This must be one of the most brain numbing jobs ever, preparing yards and yards of railings separating Quartermile from the Meadows for painting. They have already been busy for days and have scraped the Meadows side and now it’s the time for our side. I suppose it’s so mechanical, they could let their minds wander. Perhaps they’re writing poems in their heads or composing songs, who knows but I would love to know what keeps them going without going mad.

It was by far the chilliest morning so far this autumn. It was 2° as my bare legs will testify as I tried a different way of getting to the beach but it still took an hour. It was nippy in the water but after the effort of getting there it all felt worthwhile as I swam on my back and looked at the clouds. The sun was making an effort to rise above them, but I was too early to see it happen. Later, it managed but by that time I was back on a bus homeward bound for a hot shower and a hot coffee.

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