
By SweetArt

What in the World???

This is the most recent display outside Time Square in Causeway Bay. I have no idea what the relevance is but I sure would like to know!!! 'Lady M's Meanderings' recently blipped similar statues, of giraffes, outside a mall in Edinburgh(?) and that gave me the idea to blip ours here in HK, as I had seen them there.

Kiki's not so well and I had to take her to the vet, which was a feat in itself. She's on antibiotics now for two weeks!!! and boy, what an undertaking that is to administer, crikey!!! Martin did it cause I'm too chicken. Not looking forward to that twice a day for the next two weeks.

Father's Day tomorrow and Martin wants to go out for a family lunch, nice! Happy Father's Day to my fellow blippers who are dads.

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