Shubenacadie Canal

Back to work today but I only had one helper. One had to finish getting his car repaired, another had a family emergency and the third one is away till Nov 7. The first place was small, only a couple of small gardens to clean up, it took us less than an hour. The second one has a couple of oak trees so lots of leaves to rake off the gardens plus cutting back hostas. We filled the back of the truck in 2 hours. We did clean a lot of leaves off the driveway, but left the ones on the lawn. I will check with the homeowner again to see if she has heard if the guys who do their lawn are going to come and do the rest of the leaves. Oak leaves form a mat when wet, so it's not a good idea to leave them on the ground overwinter. They take a long time to break down.
This afternoon I went for a walk at Shubie. This photo shows part of the canal system for which the park is named. 
It's going to be an interesting winter. The campground that is attached to Shubie is going to remain open this winter so homeless people who are living in their  RV's can park them there. I can understand homeless people living in tents but this is not for tents, it is for RV's. I am still trying to figure out how a homeless person can afford to buy an RV.
For many years I lived from pay cheque to pay cheque working at minimum wage jobs. It was a struggle and I did without many things, but I always managed to keep a roof over my head and food on the table. It might have been canned beans and kraft dinner many nights, but my son liked kraft dinner and would have eaten it 3 or 4 times a week anyways. At that time there was not a food back in every community either, if you needed help with food, you had to go to a local church, and some of them were only willing to help those who attended the church.

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