Poppy Scotland Van

I really dislike going into the city centre unless the journey is absolutely necessary …… today it was as I had to collect my camera which was in for a good clean and to remove a hair which had found its way into the lens.

I had a bit of a wander round George Square ….. a start has been made on the Christmas decor but there is a limit to what can be done before the Remembrance Service that will take place beside the War Memorial in the square.

Over beside the wee Remembrance Garden the Poppy Scotland van had pulled up and a stall selling poppies and remembrance crosses was being set up.

I popped down to St Enoch Square before getting the subway home. That area is not involved in Sunday’s parade and service so the preparations are underway there. There were plenty of metal barriers round the partially assembled rides and just standing inside the enclosures was a security guard …. necessary but what a boring job just standing there and getting colder by the minute. Hope someone brought him a hot drink from one of the many cafes.

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