Lutheran confirmation camp

Very windy day and sunny, +18c, cumulus clouds - beautiful day ;-)

We left early morning and just came back. Quite a long drive to visit a couple of hours to the summer camp!

The lutheran church confirmation-summer camp, that our son is taking part in right now, felt very warm, cosy and playful, which was nice to see. Actually very much like mine was - some 30 years ago. There is a lot to do, in a camp, a lot of fun with new and old friends - and not any dull moment. There is some 50 hours of lutheran lessons during a week, of course, but in summer camp the lutheran way of thinking comes in many different ways, the camp is really not only sitting still and learning.

The finns take part to the lutheran confirmation school in 15-16 years of age normally, if the child is babtized as a small child to the lutheran church. The confirmation school often is taken part in a camp and costs some 125 euros or more for a week. These camp areas are normally far or very far away from any cities or towns, in the middle of nature and they have normally modest or very modest accommodations. Some camps last longer than a week and are actually quite high standard theme journeys; even to Israel or to Lappland, hiking or bicylcing, snowboarding etc - and these confirmation camps of course are more (or very) expencive, even thousands of euros per person per journey... The confirmation school could be performed also in few weeks time (free of charge) by taking lessons in local church, but only few choose nowadays that opportunity.

As the confirmation school is completed, you can get married in a church. That is mainly the point for a normal finn I quess... ;-)

Our son seemed to be happy, loud, smiley and very relaxed - and I think he is going to miss his summer camp as he comes back home. Mainly because he is not allowed to drink that much Coke in home...

Nice day. My husband is resting now: Long way to drive. I think I'll go and do some gardening. Catch you up later ;-)

And let me thank for your comments and stars for the Blue Iris yesterday! So wonderful that you liked it that much.

The plant in the blip is decoration apple tree. Sun is shining so nicely to it's leaves, I couldn't resist using this to a blip today. I had a sunset theme today, if you like to watch the other captures...

Have a nice weekend!

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