
By Hamp5on

Chef Nate

Today is All Saints day, so everything except for cafés is shut! The 4 of us went off to see Jud and then the ES guys. Nate gave Sarah the biggest hug, she messaged later saying how much she'd loved it.
The boys went off and Asha and I had a touch longer with folks.
Home for a chilled afternoon, Asha insisted we all get into comfy joggers, ha!
A slightly difficult evening on text with a woman who's on the street with mental health issues and a hard story. So so tough to know how to help people, especially when you don't feel able to give people what they're asking for. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A truly chilled day, the first since Vienna. It's meant I've been able to update Danny more on things that happened there.
2) How much the kids love being at home.
3) Nate making us a delicious gf and df rocky road - tasty with a coffee!! 

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