
By Cumbrialass

Fletch on Friday

Our last day. 
It was a wild wet windy night last night. Storm Babet had arrived! 
A bit damp for our pre breakfast walk but Fletch was happy to be out. 
I'm so pleased that he's been so fit and kept up with us!  
He had his usual snooze while we had our breakfast . The smell of his sausage treat woke him up.

The wind was very strong and it started to rain so we changed our plans for a walk from the village to the old bridge. As shame but it was very wild. We had planned to go into the Lakes  but we were aware of branches  etc coming down. 
So we made our way home, although had a quick stop in Kirby Lonsdale, mainly to get some food from Booths.

As we got nearer home it wasnt as windy so we stopped at Abbey House for a wander round the grounds.. the woods were quite sheltered.
A lovely break and so happy Fletch did so well.

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