2023 Saturday — Walking
Today was another visit from one of the nurses from the Kaiser Home Health Care department. This is the second visit and we were told a total of three visits would happen, so the final one will be this coming Tuesday.
Today’s visit was very much a repeat of what happened this past Tuesday, but quite shorter. This nurse was finally able to help Mr. Fun recognize that he must elevate his feet whenever possible. She explained to him that it isn’t so much about helping his ankles to look nice (normal and not swollen), but it’s to take a load off his heart. When he understood that, he caught the significance of getting his feet up off the floor.
She also reiterated that he must weigh himself every morning at approximately the same time and record his weight. If he has a gain of two pounds on any day he needs to get to ER so they can give him an IV of Lasix. He conveyed to me later that the last place he wants to go to is ER because he doesn’t want to be put in the hospital. I explained to him that going to ER will keep him out of the hospital. The only way he would be admitted is if his body was in serious trauma. So I’m he really “got” this.
This afternoon we walked the pups down the street. At the end of the street we switched leashes so both pups could boast that Mr. Fun walked with them.
This has been a good day.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!
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