
By PaulaJ

We missed . . .

. . . all the excitement whilst away. On the day we left, the road through the village was going to be closed for road ‘patching’. We arrived back almost two weeks later and the road was still closed and they were still ‘patching’. However, they can’t really close the road as there is no other way into or through the village so no one pays any attention to the signs. They did mention in a  letter that there would be diversions in place . . . that would be through the fields then!! Our neighbour said the work was very noisy. The road is better though . . . in parts!

Here they are outside our house doing the edging. They explained that these strips helped to keep the tarmac from lifting.I asked if it would stop tractors from ripping it up - he gave a rueful smile! 

So that’s as exciting as it gets around here . . . and we missed most of it. 

One has to assume that this work a few months ago was a waste of time - as everyone said it would be. 

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