
By PorridgeWog

Chasing rainbows (Day 3086)

A much better day than yesterday.
I headed in to town first thing to do the weekly shop. The poor weather lately has meant lots of ferry cancellations and the shelves were less well stocked than usual.
Back home to unload, then off to Stromness with my beautiful wife. First on the to do list was moving the horses back to their usual field (extra). HV had moved them to more sheltered ground a few days ago, and with the worst of the weather over we took the chance of moving them back.
We left Beeps and Robin at the field and got out a ride on George and Red. We dodged the worst of the showers and chased rainbows along the shore. We did a few chores back at the field, then zoomed home for a late lunch and a wander with Sigyn.

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