Life through the lens...

By ValC

Too small for Escargot!!

Not my usual Provence photo, but I saw these snails last time we were here, and they amazed me then as well.

Each morning as I walk down the lane into town for the croissants , there are thousands of them on the grass verges, climbing up the stems.
By lunch time they have all disappeared.
They are so tiny, only about half a centimetre across.

You would need a huge plate full to make a meal!!

The hottest day so far. up to 34c and clear blue sky all day!

Visited a couple of villages, but came back about 2.30pm as it was really too hot to do anything.
Had a swim, read a book, and fell asleep. ( or rather MrC did!!)

Oh and we bought a 5ltr box of rose, which is now in the fridge.
Think this may be a mistake to have wine on tap!!!!!
But how can you refuse when it tasted so good, and was only 15euros for the box!

We have two Canadian couples staying in the gite next to us. Over here for 5 weeks, visiting different places in Provence, mainly on bikes. ( and they are same age as us!!)
Yesterday two of them cycled up Mt Ventoux!
In this heat I don't know how they did it.
It is hard enough for us to get up there, and we have a car!!!
I take my hat off to them!!

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