Life through the lens...

By ValC

Worth a wrong turning!!

This is looking down on the hill top village of Clansayas in the Drome area of France, which is just north of where we are staying.
What a fantastic view!! Have a look large.

We weren't supposed to be on this road, but we had another "Route Barree" and so had to find another way to where we wanted to be!
So glad we did, or else we wouldn't have had this view, or driven along winding roads, with fields of thyme, and poppies, and beautiful yellow broom every where.

This area of France is not well known, and very beautiful, but very quiet.
Lovely to visit, but not to stay in. ( by September everything closes down!)

We wanted to see how the lavender fields were, but as I thought, they are well behind, and very green. I don't think we will see them like last year. SEE HERE

However, when we got to Grignan the roses were all in full bloom, and that is something we haven't seen before. Will put some photos up on my blip folio. SEE HERE

Internet has only just started working this evening. I think it doesn't like the hot weather!
Got up past 30c today! Now cooling down.

Sorry if my comments might be few and far between because of this.
I do appreciate all yours. Many thanks.

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