It's Always Good to do Yoga in the Morning

Gramma Camp is definitely a collage of one photo summed up our day, so here you have:
Sanibel with her handmade Father's Day Card...the inside and the outside
Brody and Grandpa working a Sudoku puzzle for math and logic lessons
Brody working on his keyboard typing lesson...which will be an immense help when school starts again
Sanibel holding the castle she decorated with markers, glue and jewels for craft class
Brody holding his replica of the Titanic that he painted and glued for craft class

All this was before lunch! This afternoon is for Minecraft adventures for Brody and a simulated movie theater for Sanibel to watch a cartoon.

Afternoon cream cones filled with frozen yogurt...that's my feeble try at eating healthy!!

In between the activities I am getting the evil eye from Sanibel if I stop working on the bunny slippers she asked for...............................................
Just kidding....I love making them things and I know if they push it means they really want what I'm making!!

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