Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Huddersfield A - Z - ZZZzzzz.........

So I could have gone and taken a photo of The Zetland pub. But it's not a very exciting building. I am sure a more committed Blipper would have gone and taken a photo of it lit up at night to add interest - but it won't be dark until after 11 tonight, and I am not committed enough.

So instead, I ate much chocolate and had a nap.

Hats off to btc and anyone who does a series on here - it's tempting to give in and Blip a flower/dog/gerbil/your breakfast - watch this space for all of those in the coming days.

The weather was dreadful for the first half of the alphabet, and the links were tenuous in places for the second half. It seems that you liked "G" the best. Thank you for everyone who has viewed or commented - I hope you learnt a little about Huddersfield and the beautiful surrounding countryside.

To misquote Sir Steve Redgrave - if you catch me threatening another series, shoot me.

I hope it wasn't too long and that I opened your eyes a little. I may have just sneaked in a couple of my most favouritest ever in the world tunes there- if you have never seen the video to the latter, then watch it, it is extraordinary.

Goodnight x

PS - don't go large, I am large enough already.

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