
By Boomerang

Another surprise

I just can’t resist photographing these surprises that I find whether in the garden or in the woods. Today, it was another fresh fly agaric, growing out of a mossy old tree stump. Unlike the one I found last week, this one had not yet been eaten.
Being the third Tuesday of the month, it was Lunch Club in the village hall. (Lunch Club happens on the first and third Tuesday of every month.) Three of our usual helpers were unable to be there for various reasons so our “leader” drafted in her mother-in-law to give a helping hand. I had volunteered to provide pudding and chose a recipe that I had not used before (I like to live dangerously) so I was feeling a little nervous. I was pleased with the appearance of the pear frangipani cakes (extra), but what would they taste like? Suffice to say that everyone wanted second helpings! 
What a lovely day we have had today. Sunshine and blue sky from beginning to end. 

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