Rain, Beautiful Rain.
As forecast, rain started sometime in the night. I woke sufficiently to register it falling on the tin roof and to smile. It has continued on and off for 13 hours now, giving us 19mm so far.
With the promise of a hot and dry El Nino summer ahead, it is more than welcome to have a soaking today.
The walkway between the study and the truck (with the water tank and kakabeak tree on the left, and the truck deck with the blue chair) is slick with water.
For some months I have put off the tedious job of scrubbing the mould and lichen off the wood. In the rain it is like walking on ice. So I don't use it.
When it dries out this time I really must clean it.
My list of indoors admin jobs is being gradually ticked off. Bean and I spent the morning in the kitchen where I mixed and proved this week's sourdough loaves. Then into the study to soak up the luxurious warmth of the potbelly stove and get onto the computer (one of us did just one of these "activities").
I am having a few moments break at the moment from revising my Exam Supervisory role, which starts again in three weeks' time. We have a training session tomorrow for which I want to be somewhat prepared. It is my only formal paid work each year and the seven sessions I shall supervise brings in a very welcome wee boost to my finances. The fact that I enjoy the role is a bonus.
Thank you for all the comments, stars and hearts yesterday. I know I bang on about living simply, so thank you for sticking with me. And I absolutely appreciate that it's not possible for everybody, no matter how much you may want to adopt a simple life. I guess I aim to inspire those who can take steps in that direction, and to generally spread the word that it is achievable, and it is comfortable.
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