An arty day

We had a leisurely breakfast before meeting Tracey in the foyer. She dropped off my cardy I’d left in her flat last night.

Jenny was feeling better but had a cough. She was up a day of art firstly to scuola grande San Rocco to see the Tintorettos recommended by an old colleague of mine. We invited Tracey to join us. On our way we saw a demo by women in pink wanting more screening for breast cancer to prevent it. Then we saw the acqua alta bubbling up round people sitting at tables by the canal.

From there Tracey took us through the veg and fish market to the scuola. We paid our €8 and were working our way round the ground floor of Tintorettos when we saw the amazing staircase to the next floor. It was strange to walk up there with my hand in the marble side, thinking about the thousands of ancient Venetians whose hands had also rested there.

What a fabulous treat lay before us. Floor to ceiling Tintorettos and a fabulous cruxifixction. We could use a mirror to view the ceilings if we fancied. We were there ages as there was so much to take in. The famous crucifixion was being restored so we saw it in an ante-room. When we came out a young man was playing his cello, a melancholy tune. I didn’t want to linger - it is 16 years today since #1 daughter died aged 36, and not easy being away from family.

We then had a little sit down nearby for a glass of lemon soda till the S Maria Gloriosa fro Frani was open. For only €3 we saw the tomb of a few doges as well as Tinteretto’s tomb. Tracey showed us a Bellini masterpiece in a side chapel. We also saw some relics - including St Andrew’s finger. He left a lot of body parts all over Europe.

We bought our AliLaguna ticket for the airport for tomorrow as we need to get the 7.56 one. It’s only one bridge to haul our case over. When we said goodbye to Tracey she gave us a typically Venetian gift - it uncoils to become a thing that we can hang our handbags on from the table.

Jenny had to cancel her cards when we got back as her purse had been stolen from her little backpack. What a pest but I can use mine for us both.

We had a quick turnaround in the hotel then met Tracey for a Venetian drink - a mix of Select, wine and soda. She went home and we went to Black Olive for a delicious dinner and a conversation with a young American couple who couldn’t decide which was the lesser of 2 evils - Trump or the Democrats who apparently allow charities to give loads of toys to the children of the undeserving people who won’t work. What a dilemma?

Yesterday I walked over 20000 steps - today a mere 17000!

Blip is the Tintoretto ceiling

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