just a Moment in the wood

By wavingarms

What? Where? Why?

It's just been one of those days, thinks Teddy.

He's been working hard everyone , trying to untie the knots that others had placed in life. Phone calls, emails, very important letters, very very important people, the sort who don't turn up. Gosh.

Teddy was summoned and had to dash to the phone at lunch. Well, it was a very, very important person with an exceedingly important message. There was even an apology. At least, teddy thinks there might of been. He suspects it was one of those apologies that apologise on behalf of someone else who clearly was to blame.

When he returned, Teddy's lunch had gone!. It was thought he'd had enough and left. It was now in the big bin bag.

You know those last bits of the meal, the bits you save till last, because those are the best bits? Teddy knows them. Teddy loves them.

It's just that he never got to eat them today.

Oh, rumbly tummy Teddy.

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