
By mishkid

Poor doggy!

Charlee has another sore on her paw… we initially thought a rat had bitten her (we saw one in the garden which she chased - in fact it ran between my feet and I dropped my phone and screamed whilst on FaceTime to Julia and Eden - much to the kid’s amusement). But - I am back blipping - a couple of days after this I saw something sticking out of the sore when I went to clean it and took it out with tweezers and turns out it was grass seed - possibly the same one that caused the first sore a week or two ago - apparently the seed can travel inside their limbs/feet etc and cause real problems! Hopefully the sore will now heal…

Oh and our 72 hour prayer chain - relaunching the prayer room started today. Chloe, Moira and I spent an hour prayer art journalling together in there - see extra.

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