River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: Watercress and Pondweed

Very cold for most of today, a couple of light showers of rain too.

MrD put the items from yesterday’s clear out into the back of the van - then started on the “twll ‘dan grisiau” - under stairs cupboard. He’s thrown so many things out that I predict before too long he’ll be asking where’s “something” and the answer will be “at the rubbish tip”! :-(((

My friend and her little daughter visited and we wandered around the garden collecting items which she’ll recycle, lots of very small and shallow terracotta pots which are ideal for her “creations” impractical for my plants.

Watched World Cup Rugby Wales 17 - 29 Argentina, which was such a shame for Wales as they’d been ahead for most of the game but were given a testing time by the winners :-((

There were 2 hedgehogs eating kitten biscuits just before 6pm - I’ll continue feeding them for the next few days as this cold snap is set to stay :-((

Today’s Blip just for my garden record …

As I was nodding off in bed last night I heard the owls calling to each other, always a joy to hear them. Our County Council is again contemplating allowing building on the land near us - when are they going to start protecting our AONB and SSSI designated land? Nature needs these dwindling wild spaces for everyone’s health and wellbeing <3 … it breaks my heart :-((

Love and hugs to all my family XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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