
By Boomerang

Rally time

Several months ago when my appointment with the dental hygienist was booked, I didn’t realise that Friday 13th October was the date for the beginning of the Mull Rally. Although the racing wasn’t due to start until the early evening, I expected quite a lot of people to be out and about on the road but this was not the case and I arrived early in Tobermory for my appointment. Afterwards, I risked driving down to the Main Street to do some shopping and, much to my surprise, I was able to park easily. Shopping done, I headed home, stopping briefly at the church in the village to lock it for the duration of the rally (for insurance purposes) and to unlock the back gate into the church grounds just in case emergency access was needed. This is when I took my blip for today, showing some of the many signs that sprung up along the rally routes, giving information to contestants and spectators. Because the rally will be passing the end of our drive on four occasions tomorrow the road will be closed for much of the day so I will not be moving far from home.

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