spooky but not really abstract

Because it is pretty clear what it is. 

There is a ten year old I want to be part of the youth panel. The youth group said no, too young. ???? It is one meeting, one panel, focused on this project, I don’t get it. Also, I can only have an hour of their meeting. I don’t know that I could get adults to rank and pick pictures in one hour.

I just put the question on facebook and in minutes one of my friends came up with a bloody brilliant answer. Run the youth panel through a slideshow of the images so they have a sense of what they’ll be choosing from and explain what I want them to do. Then I’ll have the image survey online so they can access it and do it on their phones. 

This solves so many problems. It takes more than an hour? Who cares???? If they are into it they’ll keep doing it. 
People that age are really into their phones, it will be easier for them to focus on this if it is on their phone. On their phones it might be a lot less than an hour.
Also, I can then use a second trans youth group to choose the pictures. Greater participation! 
Finally, my friend’s 10 year old daughter can participate. 

AND the person who suggested this idea said she would help me set it up, so if I have trouble with the software, I have someone to turn to. “Hi, friend! Just want to reiterate I'm super happy to help think thru the photo selection digital tool if it would help. This project is so important.” I don’t think I have ever had as much help doing anything in my entire life as I’m having with this project. 

I’m so glad I have the solution RIGHT NOW because I meet the 10 year old Sunday and she knows I want her to be part of the panel. I didn’t want to say, “no, never mind, the group won’t let you in the room because you aren’t old enough.” 

Giant screw up that maybe wasn’t so accidental in Russia. There was a ceremony to honor a deceased Russian soldier. Officials were dedicating a park and a playground to the soldier but chose a song from “The Hunger Games.” In the movie, which I have not seen, the totalitarian state forces young people to kill each other. This went all over social media. 

Ukraine destroyed a bridget connecting occupied Horlivka and Donetsk. This should complicate Russia’s logistics. 

The US is increasing efforts to use seized Russian assets to help Ukraine. Sen Risch (R) and Sen Whitehouse (D) released a bipartisan bill authorizing the administration to do this. 

Russia squirreled away $600 billion to weather any sanctions the west might impose for the war. Half of it is frozen in bank accounts in Western countries. Now, it would take months at least to give it to Ukraine. In Belgium, the government announced a $1.8 billion fund for Ukraine to be paid for by tax revenue from seized Russian central bank assets. Most of the Russian money held in Europe is in Belgium. 

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