
By Marionb

One down...

Thanksgiving Monday - a day to recuperate from all the excitement of weekend weekend family gatherings and huge turkey dinners...for some, the day to get in the car, or on the train or plane and head home after celebrating somewhere else. For my friend Mary and me it was a day to relax. The weather was nasty so the temptation to go walking was easy to resist, as was the urge to shop as stores were closed; hence, it was a good day to just sit by the fire, chat, read, knit, or work on unfinished projects...which I did - work on an unfinished project that is..

I put the last stitch into that needlework project I have been working on all summer. It was one of those unfinished projects that, long forgotten, lurk in the closet until one day you stumble upon them while looking for something else...and for some reason, you feel the urge to haul them out and give them another chance. And this time, I actually did it..I finished one! And, the icing on the cake? I think it will go nicely in the same room as the quilt that happens to be hanging on the wall! 

So, one down, but still more to go; that closet is a treasure trove of unfinished projects! Starting has always been my forté...Finishing? Not so much. But I seem to be on a roll at the moment, so perhaps tomorrow I will dig out another tapestry and give that one a go! 


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