A very British sense of humour
There were only two of us at the tennis lesson today and so it only lasted an hour. I went on from there to French conversation. Daniel, our francophone animateur, was there today. There were five of us and quite a lot of the conversation revolved around village politics and the difficulties we have in getting things done. Daniel is also the first French person we taught to ring and he and Yvette will be coming with us on our forthcoming bell ringing tour of Cambridge and the local area. Daniel is an anglophile and I like his sense of humour on the sign outside his house which roughly translates, "In this place, Napoleon, from the Italian campaign of 1796 up to his death on St Helena in 1821, including when he returned to the Island of Elba in 1815, to this place Napoleon never came." I think that would rival any British blue plaque!
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