A little friend
I had Buddy again this morning. He's a really good boy and such a great companion. He's had a hair cut since I had him last and his tail is so wirey. Dan told MrK I didn't seem so great today....it has been a couple of tough days. I met Ali for a park walk at 9.30 and we walked a fair distance before Buddy had enough and we walked back to the little coffee shop in the park and sat for a while chatting. She filled me in on her recent cruise to America! Sounded amazing, but MrK couldn't think of anything worse than five solid days at sea!! They saw dolphins, no WiFi and fully rested...sounds good to me!
I packed for Norfolk and Julia popped in for a couple of hours and we sat chatting in the afternoon sun.
Back in Norfolk just before sundown and the garden wasn't in bad shape considering it's been a month. I'll enjoy time in it tomorrow.
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