
By Grammy


Somehow I overslept this morning. Thankfully, our guests were late coming down for breakfast. They arrived in the kitchen as the tea kettle started to boil. Ben was suffering with severe vertigo; he went back to bed while the women shopped for boots and beauty supplies. After the kitchen was cleaned, it was time for hubby and I to pick up BBQ chicken dinners at a local church fund raiser and deliver a few to my mother. On the way, we saw this Halloween display. I have previously only shared pretty decorations. Believe me, some people cover their front lawn with horrible sights. I am personally not a fan. This one is not as bad as most - no blood or weapons at least. We chatted awhile and ate our lunch with my mother. Kim asked us to take Gigi’s birthday gift from my children when we went. It arrived after her big day. She loved it - see my extra. She and my father were married in 1950 if you are wondering about the date. And she is famous for picking crabs and making crab cakes for her family. Brooklyn’s team won one and lost one of their soccer games. They had to get up at 4:45 am to get to the field. It was rainy, windy and cold. Almost glad we were not able to go. Mancil and Parker have their homecoming dance tonight. Can’t wait to see their photos. We are going to 5:00 pm Mass. Then we can just chill with Millie. Hope your weekend plans are working well. Stay safe. Terrible news from the Middle East today. So many unnecessary deaths. Thanks for stopping by. “Halloween is an opportunity to be really creative.” - Judy Gold

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