A Wet Visit to the Beach
Heavy rain and flood warnings were not going to disrupt plans for a trip to swim at Seacliff to celebrate the first born’s birthday today which is why we found ourselves driving down to the coast at 7:30 this morning along coastal roads swamped in places with gigantic puddles.
As one might imagine we had the beach, the sea and the rain to ourselves but with forceful waves and quite an undertow we were sensible in how far we went in. There was definitely no swimming, it was enough to stay on our feet.
Having managed to get dressed in the rain, the car heater warmed and dried us as we tootled to Gifford and the Lanterne Rouge café for hot drinks and bacon rolls. I had thought we might have seen Mr Smith or Osh there but they were conspicuous by their absence.
Later this afternoon son#1 and family who are down from Elgin are visiting and we will celebrate the birthday girl with Söderberg pizzas and Prosecco. They are en route to the Continent for the first week of the school’s ‘tattie howking’ holiday and also to check out Edinburgh Uni as a possibility for Finlay studying engineering next year.
It’s all go, as is the rain. It’s especially hard knowing that the blessed down south are sitting on their beaches in bikinis with temperatures in the 20s. ‘Twas ever thus!
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