it only ended up the same way

So there was no rain this morning.  I was optimistic about the rest of the day.  

Turns out I was wrong.  The rain started about two hours after this and I don't actually think it has stopped since. 

At least the flowers / cabbages / sweet corn / kale / onions / garlic are all getting watered in. 

Work was a breeze.   My colleague is on holiday and I did miss our Friday forty five minutes where we sit in my office - he on the couch, and we put right the world.  Well the world in so far as our office space. 

He's away on holiday this week  ABROAD which is amazing. He hates holidays.  Likes to fish.  Likes to climb hills  But for the last two years has been suffering horrific side effects of very very early covid. 

I'm hoping that the warm hair in Mallorca clears the little last bit of his aches and pains.  It's a total joy to see him going away.  There was a point last year where we didn't think he'd be back in the office. 

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