
By windychickens

Arrived eventually

Such a journey!

We stopped off in Doha for 3 hours early morning. We didn’t need food. We just needed some sleep. The transfer area in Doha is huge. Really huge. So we found an indoor garden area where loads of people were kipping on the AstroTurf so we did the same. Sadly we got woken up twice by staff who said we could sit but not lie. Doha temperatures were extreme!

Got on the next flight. A shorter one - 4+ hours rather than the 6+ hours like the first one. Flying over the Himalayas was spectacular but we were middle aisle so couldn’t see all.

Arrived. Quick through customs. Had to change in the airport loos as we had to smarten up for a ‘working’ meal out.

We were collected by a lovely local Christian pastor but as we waited, we were treated by the up close to the taxi in the picture. All the taxis look like they’ve been in car rallies. That one had grass growing on the dashboard. :-)

Our meal out was with some local Supreme Court judges - they were curious about religious freedom and it’s significance on their case loads. It was slightly clandestine as they didn’t want to draw attention.

Eventually we got to our hotel. And boy we were tired after such a long couple of days travelling with very little sleep. Roll on tomorrow. :-)

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