
By keepingtrack

Heavenly voices

We left our little campsite today to depart Austria for another trip in to Italy. We drove up to through a beautiful valley aiming for our exit point. It was real Sound ofMusic scenery - chalet style houses, red geraniums, green pastures, sheep, and villages with churches. We stopped at Maria Luggau and went to visit the Pilgrimage Church of Maria Schnee, first built in the 1500s. Religion isn’t my thing, but I do like a church! This one was very fancy and when we arrived a group of visiting women were singing beautifully. It was quite moving to hear and I could see that it meant a lot to them.
We headed off for the Plockenpass to head in to Italy - only to find it was closed. If only we (and quite a few others) had read the sign at the starting the road! No problem, about turn and headed east to the next exit point at Nassfeld pass. This brought us in to the east side of Italy, bordering Slovenia- lots of mountains and steep windy roads.

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