Hugging a Rose

By the end of yet another hot day (34C), hard not to feel worn out, but when you first step out in the cool of the morning, it looks enchanted, which is the feeling I tried to capture in the extra. 

Went to prune a rose, and saw this fellow hugging the stem. Apparently, locusts are just grasshoppers that swarm, which doesn't really happen in Europe (so far) - which makes this a grasshopper, as I saw no companions.

- buying plenty of food in Reguengos; locusts have often caused terrible famines (in one region of China in 311AD, 98% of the population died as a result of locusts, not just starvation, but disease from their rotting corpses)
- not having to eat locusts, though they do yield about five times more edible protein per unit of fodder than cattle, with less greenhouse gases
- making limoncello tiramisù, and my nut and seed mixture

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