Attack of the Terns

I really do mean it!!

I should have worn a hard hat, or a plastic poncho, or taken an umbrella. Or all of the above!

The day started out with a drive from Beadnall to Seahouses for a sailing over the the Farne Islands. Knowing the weather was going to change, thanks to the meteoric advice from our friend Simon (see a previous blip), the choppy journey out was expected.

The dive bombing from the Terns wasn't!!

After running the gauntlet (the pecking was due to protecting their eggs and nesting sites so totally understood!) we saw lots and lots of Puffins, Arctic and Common Terns, Razorbills, Shags, Eiders(and her chicks - cute!) and Guillemots.

Puffins have to be my favourite (but the zoom on my iPhone wasn't sufficient for a blip - may have to back date!).

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