Today I walked Django and started the long process of assessing how to fix the bug I spotted yesterday. I then took the bus into Edinburgh, but it was delayed, so I didn't have time to dump my kit and get out to my referred starting point for the Scottish Open Turf event. Did it matter, probably not. Due to the activities of other Turfers I drifted back to the popular area where I started doing well - I was leading for a while - but then I made a bad tactical decision, and that was it. I ended up 8/80, and the only positive I could take was that I'd covered a greater distance in 90 minutes than anyone else!
Afterwards, I collected my kit and went to see daughter K - to hand over some post and have a shower. Then it was back into the city centre, where I Turfed with a mate and his mate - them on bikes and me on foot - until I was finally knackered and found a pub to watch the first half of the Fiji Vs Georgia game.
At half time I joined the rest of the Turfers at another pub for a buffet meal and more beer, and this was taken at the prize giving. Turf involves virtual medals, including several "Crowdy" medals for taking a zone with increasingly large numbers of people. Tonight a zone had been moved and enlarged to encompass the whole pub, and we finally got a "Crowdy 55" medal to great excitement - which sums up Turf to an extent!
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