An Azalea Bloom on 30 September!
We had another day of drizzle and gray clouds. Decided to have breakfast on my front porch and saw that there was a single bloom on an azalea bush. Blip done. I scrubbed floors and spent the rest of the day cleaning my electronic files as I am out of iCloud storage. Probably deleted 1,000 photos and videos. Hubby spent his day purchasing a new anti-virus app and trying to install it. After the company rep even gave up, they refunded his money. He bought a second product and it is going through its paces on his two laptops in the study. Our phones will be next. Our guests confirmed their flight info; we will meet them for dinner at 7:00 pm tomorrow. A little background. We met Marion at her Mom’s B&B in November 1998 during our family reunion in Germany. She was our translator. She needed a foreign internship to complete university requirements; she stayed with us in the summer of 2000 while she worked for a local attorney. Since then, she (and later her hubby and daughter) have visited us every 3-5 years. I am her “adopted American aunt” with a “B&B” that they use while in the US. That will explain why my blips won’t mention activities we do together. Most of their visit will be spent shopping with a few stops at first responder (her and her hubby’s current career) locations. Weather permitting, our son will take them out on his boat one day. We will also join them and my sister and BIL during their couple of days’ trip to the farm. We will be going to 5:00 pm Mass tonight and then to shop for breakfast groceries. They have picked out their favorite local restaurants for their other meals. We bought them gift cards to some as part of their Christmas gifts. Let the fun begin. Thanks for dropping by. Sure hope you are enjoying your weekend. Be safe. “A cosy bed, a solid breakfast and the day(s) stretching ahead with possibilities.” - Angela Abraham
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