Under repair

Regular viewers will have seen the long case clock we inherited from the Canadian side of the McAdam family. Its innards last appeared on 18 January this year when a friend who works on clocks had a look. He discovered the problem(s) but concluded it needed someone with access to more skilled tools etc.

We were keen to get it restored - it is not especially valuable but has been in the McAdam family for 250 years. We took it to an expert (see entry of 25 April where I was distracted by a pheasant). The clock repairer has a backlog of work and advised it would be September/ October before he could start on it.

True to his word he rang yesterday to advise the repairs were going to be a bit more complicated ( and a bit more costly!) than anticipated. We agreed to the extras and to his offer to see the parts so we went up today before he began working on them.

Most of the problems involve wear and tear with either spindles or cogs being worn down or the area where the spindle sits becoming misshapen or “egging” I think he said. The main picture is of some of the worn parts which will need spindles replaced and possibly the cogs inverted.

We were shown the backing plate into which the spindles fitted. There have been repairs done previously, possibly in the 1940s given the way they have been repaired when brass was in short supply. In the extra photo you can just about see how the original maker had marked out the circles to show where everything would go.

Once repaired it will be tested and checked. There were several on the bench ticking away. So a while yet before we hear it’s chime in the hall.

Under repair is also how I have felt in the past 24 hours. The painkillers had barely an effect even the stronger ones with codeine) and I managed to doze off only briefly from 03:30 with the tooth thumping away and sending waves of pain each time I swallowed.

I got an emergency appointment at the dentist for 11:30. I could not wait for the one I had scheduled for mid October, The abscess which had flared up was tackled and by lunchtime I was on antibiotics. They address the infection and not the pain but even shortly afterwards I was feeling better - so managed to see the clock with our son who inherits it.

After yesterday’s visit to the GP who approved an X-Ray for my hip I rang up this morning to make an appointment. I was given one for 3pm. I was seen on time and 10 minutes later was heading home. Results in a few weeks to see how much wear and tear and what repair I need.

I’ve been very impressed at the 2 sides of NHS Scotland today:: the dentist and the hospital.

I have since slept for most of the rest of the day!

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