River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: Wild Geese …

… flying from the beach, over our house and heading inland - busy honking to each other, made my day!! :-)) Then out of the blue, literally, a small group of swallows busy chattering to each other followed the geese! :-))

Hadn’t intended doing much today BUT someone had run out of shirts … checked all 3 of my weather apps!! which agreed there was to be no rain and the washing dried nicely outdoors in the breeze and sunshine :-))

Kaffir Lily (schizostylis coccinea) have just started flowering - they are so pretty and a sign of Autumn in my book …

Friday night - hope everyone is planning on a relaxing weekend XXXX XXX XX

ADDED LATER: 7:20pm went outside to see if there were any hedgehogs out, sadly none but 2 geese flew over  - on their way to the beach this time! And at least 2 bats hunting in the garden :-)) x

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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