What storm?!

Japanese Anemone 

Despite all the hype and yellow weather warnings, Storm Agnes passed us by, though the breezy weather did dry the washing on the line, and late afternoon the sun even put in an appearance.

After a night of little sleep (two very sore arms after yesterday’s jabs), another busy day of chores. Today’s challenge was the broadband contract renewal. The automatic renewal price was an extra £14 a month, but after phoning the company it came down to an extra £5 a month. I still wasn’t happy with that, given that our Internet is intermittent at best; this afternoon it was running at a download speed of 1 mbps! So after being on the phone for an hour and a half and speaking to a second bod in the “loyalty department”, the price came down to an extra 15p a month and a new router is on its way to see if that helps speed up things.

Thank you.

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