Mentha aquatica

Water mint. A lone plant popped up on the heath, looking extremely healthy. I love the dark foliage against the pretty mauve flowers.
An early start on the plot this morning - I harvested the sweetcorn, lifted the plants and moved them to the community compost heap along with the spent runner bean, french bean, dwarf bean, & courgette plants. Pulled out the spent tomato plants, they went on the community heap as well. Dismantled all the cane supports, easy when twine is used. I'm afraid I'm old school. Many of the allotmentees use cable ties which I think look horrible. Tom was telling me how they were a nuisance to remove. Do they collect them all up or do they go into the plot. :-(( Lifted a row of small beetroot, cleaned & trimmed them up, gave them a quick wash then left to dry while I turned the ground where I had removed plants. It's beginning to look a little sparse, but tidy for winter. Sweetcorn, beetroot, courgettes, plus tubs of harvested wild flower seed taken home.
Down to CK to walk Indie, very mild walking the heath. Back at Mum's coffee, then I cleaned the fridge out, next one of the food cupboards. Many items out of Best Before .... herbs, spices, bread flour, yeast to name a few. Very satisfying to see the result, although looking a bit like my plot ... Sparse. :-) Filling time until the Fire Service Fire Risk Assessment call from Claire. She rang about 20 mins before she was due to the house but as we were there she came right away. That was ideal. A new fire alarm fitted FOC, a new carbon monoxide alarm required, no longer FOC from the Fire Service but widely available so that has gone on the shopping list. She also left Mum a new extension lead for her electric blanket as the adapter we were using is'nt recommended. Everything else good. Call did'nt last more than 15mins. I took Mum 's second blood pressure readings before I left. Back home for a swift visit. Glorious sunshine. I wanted to get back to the plot while the weather held. Grabbed a flask of hot water (coffee in the shed) & a bag of crisps. Got lots done. Very satisfying.
Received a message inviting me to a wedding blessing at the church in Hennock this Sunday. A very good friend who lives in Barbados is home, her son & bride over too, hence the blessing. I think Ben must be 38- 40 years of age. I would obviously like to give the couple a gift that they can take home to Barbados after their honeymoon here in UK, but not sure what to get them .. Any ideas would be very welcome.

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